Saturday, July 15, 2006


Southern Califorina Inland Empire Wildfires Rage

Millard Fire
Having been evacuating from my home in the Alta Loma "Woods" area during the wildfires of 2003 I have a special place in my heart for the people affected by other wildfires. What began as "just another fire" in the Inland Empire is quickly becoming one of those that we'll remember for years.

I will post updates as they happen. These posts are not intended to be a source of news, but rather a record of what has happened.

Two individual fires, "Millard" and "Sawtooth", are now officially one fire, burning over 71,000 acres thus far. As of this morning fire crews report the fire being approximately 5 percent contained. Firefighters are hoping that the weather forecasts of thunderstorms later this evening are correct.
Today Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed t-shirts for evacuees at a Red Cross shelter near Pioneertown which took the brunt of the flames two days ago.

Agriculture undersecretary Mark Rey will speak about the fires and their impact at Yucca Valley High this morning.

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