Sunday, July 30, 2006


Is the Inland Empire ready for The Big One?

Inland Empire earthquake map
The Big One could hit at any time - today, tomorrow, or 10 years from now - but it will hit. Ignoring it won't make the danger any less, and hoping it will hit Los Angeles harder than the Inland Empire won't help either.

What have you done to prepare for The Big One?

Are you prepared? Do you have water set aside? Food? Batteries? Anything? Here are a few things that I have personally done, all at a cost of only $100 or so:

Warnings that the Big One could be closer than we think:

The Desert Sun online has a great collection of warnings to scare us all into getting prepared for the big one. Some of the highlights are:

For all the stories, and new ones, go to The Desert Sun's Earthquakes in the Desert feature.

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